Tuesday 5 July 2011

4 Killer Link Building Methods Explained

How you are developing links for your website? Are you just copying what you competitors are doing or is making your own link building plan and track its performance. Whatever you link building plan you are using, there is some room for improvement or addition of new link building methods to it. Search engines keep changing their algorithms al the times and you cannot be sure things that were working fine few years back, will be working now. You have to plan your link building strategy according to latest search engine trend.

Most of website owners are not happy with the traffic they are getting on their websites from search engines. They may be right most of time keeping in mind the efforts they are putting in doing all kind of seo and link building activities for the promotion of their websites. But most of times, they are using old fashion link building methods that may not suit the current requirements of web users and search engines. In today’s blog post, I’m sharing 4 killer link building methods that really works fine with most of search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing:

1. Keep On Building Regularly

Lots of website owners make the mistake of building lots of links for their website in quick time. Most of time, it does not help them and may even have bad impact on their website performance in search engines. Ideal approach for this will be building links steady. That way, your links will look natural to search engines. If we end up building thousands of links for a website in one week with no popularity or Internet presence, will become spammy and unnatural.

2. Write Some Articles

I would suggest you write some articles around the keywords you want to get high rankings in search engines. Good thing about writing articles is that, they will help you get highly contextual links for your website. Once you have some articles ready, spread them into 4-5 best articles publishing websites.

3. Guest Blogging

Apart from article submissions, I would suggest doing guest blogging on other blogs you find interesting around the targeted keywords of your website. So write some long articles and submit them into top blogs in your niche. You will get some high quality links for your website targeted pages by doing that.

4. Check Your Link Building Efforts

You should keep track of traffic coming to your website. You can do that easily by setting up Google Analytics account for your website. When you see your website traffic statistics in Google analytics, you can take critical decisions like which link building methods are working for you and which methods you need to leave as they are not giving you the kind of ROI you were expecting from them.

And if you need more help or need professional link building services for your website so that it can perform better on search engines, get in touch with Seobricks.com, professional link building firm based in India.